Examples Of Spss Data Files
Visit the website for SPSS data files and additional examples. “This text not only helps the user to quickly navigate SPSS, but also provides critical aspects of each of the tests I do not think that there is a better text for SPSS users who are looking for a quick introduction and succinct guidance.”. Throughout the SPSS Survival Manual you will see examples of research that is taken from a number of different data files, survey.zip, error.zip, experim.zip, depress.zip, sleep.zip and staffsurvey.zip. To use these files, which are available here, you will need to download them to your hard drive.
Other • • • • • • • • Merging Data Files in SPSS You are here: Merging Data Files in SPSS For merging data files with similar cases but different variables, use. Make sure your case identifier -if any- doesn't contain duplicate values and the files are sorted ascendingly on it. The result contains all cases from both files (like a full outer join in SQL). Second, MATCH FILES also performs a table lookup as illustrated below.
SPSS data files with similar variables but different cases can be merged with. Make sure that 1) variables and values have similar meanings across files and 2) string variables -if any- have similar lengths before you merge your files.
Data Merge files Using Merge Files you can combine two data files. There are two ways of doing this, namely: •: Two data files have the same variables and you combine the cases from files 1 and 2.
•: Two data files are linked via a Key variable. You combine the variables values from files 1 and 2, using the key to determine the corresponding cases. We show the process distinguishing three steps: • • • When a project group uses face to face interviews - for example during a fair - or a written questionnaire the data entry has to be done manually.
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In such a case it is convenient if several people work on this parallel to each other. Proceed as follows: • Make sure the codebook is complete and the corresponding SPSS data file (with all variables defined but still without cases) contains no mistakes. • Make as many copies of this master as are needed for the parallel data entry process.
• Make sure that every copy of the SPSS data file has its own unique name. SPSS can handle duplicate file names, but it makes the merging process more complicated for you. • Make sure the paper questionnaires are numbered and assign each subgroup its own pile of questionnaires.
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• Every subgroup now enters the data into its copy of the master data file. • Make sure that each subgroups backs up their work. In this example we use three separate data files:,.