Alldata 10.53 2013 Portable
Ok, Download the ALLDATA 2013 on here, the repair disks. Then use this portable version to run it without installing. Its precracked.
The best way to use ALLDATA because its over 100 DVD's is to uncompress the ISO's to seperate folders on a hard drive. I install them into an external drive.
Di belakang rumah terdapat kolam penampungan limbah keluarga beserta ikan lele peliharaan, dan terdapat kandang ayam. T berada di wilayah kelurahan yang mayoritas penduduk sekitarnya adalah petani. T menggunakan listrik semuanya. Untuk sarana penerangan keluarga Tn. Obat asam urat. Untuk pembuangan sampah dilakukan penampungan dulu di ember sampah kemudian di pindah dan di bakar di dalam lubang di samping rumah.
May 31, 2014 AllData 10.53 (Q3 2013) - Asian Imports part 2, European Imports part 1 AllData 10.53 (Q3 2013) - European Imports part 2 Torrents show 0 seeds, but have over 40 seeds each on rutracker.
Anyone who has done this knows after you 'install' alldata itself, you have to manually enter where the files are. Thats over 97 enteries to type in. I have this version of portable set to drive 'S' Meaning, put your data disks on a drive and then in windows control panel, change that drive letter under disk management to drive 'S' Run this version and its all setup!
One last note, when you unzip your data disks (the ISO's) to a drive, create a directory called 'AllData10' Then unzip the data disk ISO's into that folder. Then just run my portable and you are all setup!
Hello, I have been downloading alldata for three months. I have downloaded this portable, but I can not use. I am using windows 10, I have installed with compatibility of win 7, but I still have problems. Error says: ThinApp has encountered an unexpected error. Click Abort to close the application, Retry to debug, or Continue to ignore the error. Support info: PID=7224, I have downloaded this from: Please I need help how to install this program, a manual or other portable, Thank you for your help.
I will appreciate your support. Pst: Sorry for my English, my first language is Spanish (Ecuador).