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Thousands of surplus Model 1896 Swedish Mausers were imported into the U.S. During the 1950's and 1960's, introducing large numbers of American hunters to the Swedish Mauser service rifle. It is apparently brazed to the bolt body, and carries a serial number that matches the bolt and the rifle. Swedish mauser serial numbers. 'Swedish Mausers' are a family of bolt-action rifles based on an improved variant of Mauser's earlier Model 1893, but using the 6.5×55mm cartridge. Crown Jewels - The Mauser in Sweden by Dana Jones - ISBN: 0-88935-283-6 Canadian Collector Market Value Estimate: $ 1899 M38B (M96/38) Swedish Mauser Short That said, 1906 was a very low production year and anomalous serial numbers are not unusual, as this appears to be the case. This page features Mauser Rifles used in media other than Mauser Gewehr 1898 and Karabiner 98k which are the two most popular models seen on screen. The single-shot bolt-action Model 1871 was Mauser's first commercial success, being adopted by the Prussian Army in March of 187.

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