Unifac Software

(8:17) (msu.edu) UNIFAC is an extension of the UNIQUAC method where the residual contribution is predicted based on group contributions using energy parameters regressed from a large data set of mixtures. This screecast introduces the concepts used in model development.

You may want to before watching this presentation. Comprehension Questions: 1. Pimp my nav keygen. What is the difference between the upper case Θ of UNIFAC and the lower cast θ of UNIQUAC? Suppose you had a mixture that was exactly the same proportions as the lower right 'bubble' in slide 2.

Compute Θ OH for that mixture. Compare your value computed in 2 to the value given by unifac.xls.

Unifac Software

The UNIFAC method (UNIQUAC Functional-group Activity Coefficients) is a semi-empirical system for the prediction of non-electrolyte activity in non-ideal mixtures. UNIFAC uses the functional groups present on the molecules that make up the liquid mixture to calculate activity. Additional PSRK parameters, which allow the calculation of gas/gas and gas/alkane phase equilibria, are given in this paper. In addition to those mixtures covered by UNIFAC, phase equilibrium calculations may also include gases like CH 4 C 2 H 6, C 3 H 6, c 4 H 10, CO 2, N 2, H 2 and CO.

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