Specified Jre Installation Does Not Exist

You are probably using JRE not JDK, which does not include debug information for rt. Eclipse is an open source IDE and platform for building applications. There is a wide variety of plugins for various programming languages and other development. Eclipse Maven The Specified Jre Installation Does. Sep 3, 2014 - Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'jpf-symbc'. The specified JRE installation does not exist. The specified JRE.

I used to have Eclipse configured well and work fine before. But I just uninstalled it and installed Eclipse Juno again on my Mac OS 10.10 today.

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But I kept getting this error: 'The specified JRE does not exist.' I know it's a pretty simple and commonly seen problem, I just needed to install JRE and/or JDK into this clean Eclipse, however things didn't get work out. And I've searched extensively on Stack Overflow: The posts I've looked at including: I followed exactly what the accepted answer said, but after having downloaded the JDK from and installed it, I was going to add it to Eclipse via Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs, however, I didn't see it as expected, the following is a screenshot of what I saw when I went to Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs But the screenshot just says the installed JREs list is BLANK, I couldn't add any JRE into my Eclipse. Also, I've tried other things that people have suggested: Properties -> Java Build Path what I see here is: JRE System Library OSGi/Minimum-1.2 with a red crossing sign in front of it (indicating something wrong with it?) So, I'm also blocked with this approach.

I had the same problem. This is how I fixed it. • Open Eclipse.

• Go to Preferences. • Click Add • A Window should popup with this: • Select Standard VM. • Select Directory • Use this path: Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/ • Click Open • Then Finish • Right click your Project then click Properties • Select Java Build Path then click Add Library • Select JRE System Library • Click Environments and select the jdk1.7.0_45 • Finish This is what you should see if you did it right. This is very helpful! But when I've put that path (Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home) into the directory, I got this message:'The home directory does not exist', I think I can understand this error message as it says, I don't really have this directory set up. Then I searched and found this link:.

But still it didn't work out for me. I know your response makes me almost there. I'm just missing something. Could you offer any more guidance please? – Oct 25 '14 at 13:27 •. The problem is generally related to project or plugin-specific runtime configurations that (still) point to some JDK/JRE that is not existing anymore (e.g. After some update or migration).

We had this e.g. With the ANT plugin, where the launch configuration had to be updated (per ant build file), if it was e.g.


Not set to the default ~ run in same JRE as workspace. You will find these settings (typicall under the JRE tab) either: • in the global plugin configuration under Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences. Of your plugin (typing runtime in the Filter section above may help to find it quickly). • or it is set in a project/file-specific run configuration which you should see if you go to • Eclipse -> Run -> Run configurations. Or • right click on your project/file and select Run As -> Run Configurations.