Monkemeyer Soprano Pdf
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.pdf flauta dulce soprano2 pdf Monkemeyer metodo para tocar la flauta dulce.Documents. I - DE PICO - MONKEMEYER, H. Mtodo para tocar la flauta dulce Soprano o Tenor. Y 1 flauta contralto.
Situs download film semi terbaik. Entity Type Individual Healthcare Provider/Organization Name JON R. MONKEMEYER MD Provider Business Mailing Address Copy Mailing Address First Line 5970 CHURCHVIEW DR Second Line City ROCKFORD State IL Postal Code (Zip) Country US Phone Fax 815-971-9267 Provider Business Practice Location Copy Practice Location First Line 5970 CHURCHVIEW DR Second Line City ROCKFORD State IL Postal Code (Zip) Country US Phone Fax 815-971-9267 Authorized Official Title or Position Name Credential Telephone Number Provider Enumeration Date Last Updated. Detailed Information NPI Number has the 'Individual' type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) — JON R. MONKEMEYER MD.
Records indicate that the provider gender is 'Male'. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is. NPI Number information was last updated on.
The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at: 5970 CHURCHVIEW DR ROCKFORD, IL, US JON R. MONKEMEYER MD can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers. Reference NPI Information. Full replica of the CMS (NPPES) NPI record Field Name Value NPI 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPS to uniquely identify a health care provider. Entity Type Individual Code describing the type of health care provider that is being assigned an NPI. Codes are: • 1 = (Person): individual human being who furnishes health care; • 2 = (Non-person): entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (for example, hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO). Is Sole Proprietor N Indicate whether provider is a sole proprietor.
• A sole proprietor is the sole (the only) owner of a business that is not incorporated; that unincorporated business is a sole proprietorship. • In a sole proprietorship, the sole proprietor owns all of the assets of the business and is solely liable for all of the debts of the business. • There is no difference between a sole proprietorship and a sole proprietor; they are legally a single entity: an individual. • In terms of NPI assignment, a sole proprietor is an Entity type 1 (Individual) and is eligible for only one NPI (the sole proprietorship business is not eligible for its own NPI).
• As an individual, a sole proprietorship cannot be a subpart and cannot have subparts. (See NPI Final Rule for information about subparts.) • A sole proprietorship may or may not have employees. • Often, the IRS assigns an EIN to a sole proprietorship in order to protect the sole proprietor's SSN from disclosure in claims or on W-2s. NPPES does not capture a sole proprietorship's EIN. • Many types of health care providers could be sole proprietorships (for example, group practices, pharmacies, home health agencies). Provider Last Name (Legal Name) MONKEMEYER The last name of the provider (if an individual). If the provider is an individual, this is the legal name.