Ice Ape Arcade Sims Free Play
A video showing all the hobbies that can be done by toddler, preteen and teenage Sims. This is also 'sort of' a sequel to my (Pre)teenage Dream video because it shows my very first house I built (also shown 'in detail' in the (Pre)teenage Dream video) as well as my 'large lot' version of the first house. I initial built my first house for my first family but then it looked too small and cramped so I ended up putting the family members in the Designer House. I recently decided to rebuild that house, but in a large lot.
The (Pre)teenage Dream video and this video are both mainly about my second preteen who eventually became a teenager. I created this preteen mainly for 2 reasons: an experiment of mine (read description in the (Pre)teenage Dream video) and the fact that one of the daily tasks is to have two preteens jump on a bed, so I have to create a second one.
The new hobbies for the toddlers, preteens and teenagers can be found in the Public Beach, Ice Ape Arcade, Carnival and Barkshire Pet Park and you have to unlock those locations to perform those hobbies. If you're just starting the game, you have to build the Swimming Center, the Community Center and the Snow Park so that your Sims can do hobbies like swimming, playing in the playhouse, practicing ballet, karate and skating. However, only certain Sims in certain age group can perform certain hobbies.
A video showing all the hobbies that can be done by teenage and adult Sims, as well as the new mall clothes, royal clothes and sleepwear than can be worn by female teen and adult Sims. The royal clothes can be unlocked after completing the grid for the Jester hobby in the Northern Glade Castle for the first time.
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From there, you can gain access to the third floor of the castle where you can browse clothes by tapping on the Royal Wardrobe. Only teen and adult Sims can wear the new royal clothes and they come in three different colours. They can also issue decrees by sitting on the Royal Throne. These decrees include Walk Like Zombies Day, National Hat Day, Friendship Day, Lovers' Day, Snow Day and Rain Day. The sleepwear can be unlocked by completing the time limited special event starting April 10, 2015 through the Catwalk Modelling hobby in the Sunset Mall. To get the sleepwear the Catwalk Modelling grid must be completed 5 times within 2 weeks.
And I already unlocked the last one. Here are a list of hobbies teenagers can do: - Surfing (Public Beach) - Snorkeling (Public Beach) - Arcade (Ice Ape Arcade) - Juggling (Carnival) - Dog Obedience (Barkshire Pet Park) - Dog Agility (Barkshire Pet Park) - Cat Show (Barkshore Pet Park) - Diving (Swimming Center) - Skating (Snow Park) - Teen Idol - Cooking - Spell Casting - Broomstick Flying - Breakdancing - Catwalk modelling - Bowling - Archery Adult Sims can do all the hobbies teen Sims can do except for Teen Idol and Arcade Gamer. They can also do hobbies that teen Sims cannot do, such as Fashion Designing, Fishing, Ghost Hunting, High Striker, Woodworking, Salsa Dancing, Jester hobby and all horse-related hobbies. Mod gta san andreas indonesia ps2.
Public Beach, Ice Ape Arcade, Carnival and Barkshire Pet Park can only be unlocked if you are at or above level 26 and complete the Life Dreams & Legacy quest, the quest that makes your Sims age automatically. These 4 locations can only be unlocked by life orbs. Of course, if you decide not to finish the quest, you won't get those hobbies for your Sims. However if you actually finish the quest, I suggest that you concentrate only on getting the platinum orbs and not worry about building those four community lots. You'll find the info on life orbs in the description of my So Long Ago (Death) video. If you already have the platinum orbs, I strongly suggest that you give those to your younger Sims, mainly because adding a baby to your Sim town costs a lot of simoleons and you will need them for the Weekly quest.
I do not own anything in this video. Most female Sims in this video are based on Equestria Girls movies.
The Sims FreePlay, Emma Spear, Stephanie Andersen, Brandon Andersen, Kelly Last and Kyle Baker are owned by Electronic Arts. Song: Run The World (Girls) by Beyonce Device: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 Houses used: Customized Houses, Teen Idol Mansion, The Sanctuary, Player Designed House, Latin Villa, Two Story Unfurnished House (modified), Park, Snow Park, Stables, Sunset Mall, Public Beach, Ice Ape Arcade, Carnival, Barkshire Pet Park and Northern Glade Castle.